Previous Herb Days

Herb Day 2012

“COMING UP ROSES” Herb of the Year

The 15th Annual Herb Day

Saturday, May 12, 2012
8:00 am until 3:00 pm
Located in the Living Block of Old Alabama Town, 301 Columbus Street, Montgomery, Alabama.
Herb Day 2012 Flyer

Herb Day 2011
“Giddy-Up Horseradish” Herb of the Year

The 14th Annual Herb Day

“Herbs for Health” ~ Elsie Hilton, Herbalist
“ContainerScapes” ~ Jane McCarthy, Horticulture & Landscape Designer
“Herbs: Flavor and Fragrance” ~ Chef Daniel Dobbs of Earth Fare, the Healthy Supermarket
Demonstrations – Vendors – Expert Gardeners – Entertainment 
Children’s Activities (10:30am)
Baldwin Arts Magnet Banjo Band (10-11am)
Tour our gardens:
*Mother     *Children’s     *Scent     *Doctor’s      *Dye

Orchestra 2011

Special thanks to the Baldwin Jr. High Mando-Orchestra, led by Doug Back.


Herb Day 2010

Gardener in the ‘Dill’

9:30 – Ron Ellis – Organic Gardener
Lazy Man Gardening:  “Making Your Raised Bed Lasagna Garden with Companion Plants and Growing Food for the Soul”
12:30 – Inez Sehgal – Culinarian
“Spice Up Your Cooking and Spice Up Your Life with Herbal Cuisine from India”
Children’s Activities – Sadler McLemore
VENDORS (herbs & herbal products, etc.)
Tour Herb Gardens
Raised Bed Lasagna Gardening the Organic Way at Thelma Smiley Morris School
Ron Ellis, local organic gardening enthusiast and former CBS radio personality, digs in with fifth graders from Thelma Smiley Morris School to teach them about Lasagna Gardening the easy way.
Mr. Ellis explained  how  layering  leaves,  mulch,  grass clippings, compost and soil in a raised bed box and  saucing it up with water creates the perfect, balanced, conditions for producing a large quantity of vegetables in a small space.  The students planted “companion plants” which will eliminate the need for pesticides  in their raised bed garden.  Mr. Ellis’s favorite mantra is “strawberries love onions and tomatoes love Basil” and   he points out that many plants have complimentary relationships and are good neighbors to each other.
Lasagna Gardening
The Lasagna Gardening box and the plants were presented to the school by the Old Alabama Town Herb Society who sponsored Mr. Ellis’ “Lasagna Gardening” demonstration at the annual Herb Day Festival on May 8th.
The fifth graders learned how to plant the garden in the raised bed box. Now they will tend the plants throughout the long hot summer and will (hopefully) enjoy eating their veggies when  ready for harvest. The dedicated principal at Thelma Morris School, Mrs. Sophia Johnson is ready for her school to “go green.” Her next project will be installing a rain barrel to catch roof water run-off to water the Lasagna box.


Herb Day 2009

This Herb day featured a Mother’s Day Tea utilizing Herbal Teas as well as treats of Lavender cookies and Rosemary Lemon Shortbread.