On Monday 25 May 2015, several (OATHS) Old Alabama Town Herb Society members worked in the Governor’s Mansion Herb Garden. Barbara Hightower, Kayren Pittman, Jane McCarthy, Christine Robinson, and Amanda Borden worked from 8-11AM weeding the entire herb garden. It was the Memorial Day holiday, and 2 very generous souls (Kayren and Christine) came to work in the garden on their day off. Amanda joined us as a CAMGA (Central Alabama Master Gardener Association) volunteer. The garden was incredibly weedy…certainly a result of the generous rains and the renewal pruning of the holly tree and the resulting full sun exposure. We planted 3 ‘Sun Gold’ tomato plants (Amanda’s donation), and watered them in…which guaranteed PM showers. The new volunteers got a tour of the mansion grounds and a chance to think about additions to the Herb Garden.
Many thanks gardeners![portfolio_slideshow id=2047]