About the Herb Society

Membership in the Herb Society is open to the general public. We invite you to join us to enjoy monthly opportunities to learn about herbs and gardening through educational and fun presentations by both members and invited special guest speakers and fellowship with fellow herb lovers while sharing culinary herbal treats. We welcome you to share your energy and talents with us in caring for our community project gardens while we expand our outreach to the community to share the joys of growing, using, and learning about herbs.

Join the Herb Society

The Alabama Herb Society is an open, volunteer organization whose mission is to encourage the study, growth, and use of herbs in an enjoyable and friendly atmosphere. Our Community project is to rehabilitate and expand the Crump Senior Center Garden and other locations in Montgomery, Alabama. We support educational gardening projects with local schools as well as various herbal information and “sharing talks” with other community groups.

SAVE THE DATE! The 28th Annual Herb Day will be held Saturday, April 26, 2025, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, on the grounds of Grace Presbyterian Church, corner of the Atlanta Highway and Bell Rd. Activities have been modified to honor our health and well-being. More information will be posted as we get closer to Herb Day.

Vendor Invitation Letter

“Herb Day” 2025 theme: Let’s celebrate “Herb Day” and “Earth Day” on April 26th, 2025. You will want to be there. A great day for that early Springtime shopping for Herbs and a large selection of plants, live music, special speaker, entertainment, and more.

Like us on Facebook to learn more about what we’re up to!